

3:00 AM feels

Last night I found myself fuming with rage
I said I didn't know why but I lied
I really can't tell if you're oblivious as to how you make me feel or you just choose to disregard it

You keep triggering the hurt and unresolved issues rooted deep within
The truth is i'm not entirely angry at you
I'm angry at myself the most because I had the power
I could have avoided it because seeing isn't always believing you know
And how you love yourself reflects how others love you right?

I should have known that we don't always get what we desire
Actually I did know,
I just thought you were different
Silly me
It's just the soul wanted to be held and loved even if it was for a second

It hurts now but I guess we all have to learn this at a point
I know I will thank you one day
But at the moment I hate it. I hate when you do that
Just so you know it hurts
